
Prioritize Rest Over Work

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Its the LAST Monday update of 2020!!

Since I skipped Thursday update last week, here's a bit on how I did with my intention of more body-lead working: Probably bad! I actually stopped tracking in my planner last week, which usually means I'm totally overwhelmed. Oops.

This week my intention is even more specific:

📍 Prioritize rest over work I feel so rejuvenated from that 4 day weekend I just had and am realizing that--once again--I forgot to take my own advice and REST! 2021 is already gearing up to be a big year for us, I don't have time to be an exhausted mess and that means rest over everything else.

I don't have to worry about finding work. Yes the fear is there about making enough money and bringing in good clients, but the truth is, freaking out about that stuff never helped me and if you're watching this, you're probably the same. Rest has been neglected for too long.

What are your intentions for the end of the year. Put them below and ... SEE YOU IN 2021!


~ M ~