
Being able to feel relief at Biden taking office is a privilege

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It's time for the Thursday update.

My intention this week was to foster more connections as that's what feeds me. I did a little bit of that and also I had a lot of tasking to do and a lot of dialogues to manage with the upcoming launch of New Coyote Consulting so I also spent some time resting in isolation.

I was surprised with how relieved I felt on inauguration Day. I wasn't that into Biden as a candidate, I don't think he's liberal enough, but when he took the office I felt immense relief. It's important for me to honor my feelings while maintaining my awareness of my own privilege. Being able to feel relief at Biden taking office is a privilege that I must recognize and utilize in order to live my values. Joy feels so fleeting these days, I'm going to grab it if I can get a hold of it but still not lose sight of the context I'm in.

How did you do on your intentions? Put it down below and see you on Monday!

#latinxleaders #mentalhealth #accountability

~ M ~