A Practice of Asking
It's the Thursday update, where I come on and I tell you how I did with the intentions I set on Monday. My intentions were to challenge the punitive and transactional relationship I have with money and to ask for what I need.
Asking for what I need turned out to be the one that gave me the most trouble. In the past when I've had this as my intention, I'll make one ask and then pat myself on the back and return to not asking anybody for anything ever... until I realize that I need to ask for something again.
What I really need is a practice of asking in my life, and being able to ask enough people enough times so that I can counter-act my entire childhood of being raised by narcissists who viewed any amount of support as an incredible debt that I can never repay, rather than normal things parents provide their children.
What about you? How did you do on your intentions this week? Put it down below and don't forget to have a weekend!
One more thing: Get your tickets to my next Toxic Productivity workshop here: https://toxicproductivity.com/