
MarinaforHire.Com - Minimalist Design

On August 1, I wrote a post about my upcoming website redesign. At the time it was just a sketch and a Photoshop mock of the original draft of this site.

15 days and several late nights later, I launched the actual redesign.


I wanted something that was easy to use, not distracting or noisy. Potential clients should feel relaxed when they came to the site, but they should also know what I do and be able to find what they were looking for without any hassle. That's why the search bar and my contact information share equal space at the top of the screen. In an effort to make the site more user friendly, I got rid of the majority of my old menu items, turning some of them, like the awards page into blog posts, but getting rid of others entirely.

Even though the site is about me, I wanted it to be as open and friendly to clients and potential clients as it possibly could be. I'm really proud of the new design, and I'm especially proud of the 15 day concept-to-launch schedule. Although I have to say, I'm already getting some ideas for my next redesign...

Bonus: In my rush to get rid of it, I never took a single screencap of my old site. The only existing image of it is in the background of this picture of my cat, Medusa.


See how busy it is?!

~ M ~